Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Zoe is not a vampire

The other day Zoe was looking for some chapstick, I told her she could use mine, but she said no thanks. I asked her why and she said that mine has too much sparkle in it. I reminded her that she was fourteen and it was okay to wear a little lip gloss. She then told me that if Heavenly Father wanted her to have sparkly lips, He would have made her sparkly when she was born. Interesting..... all I could think about was that maybe Zoe should be a vampire and then maybe she would wear lip gloss. I am sorry if that doesn't make sense to all of you who haven't read or watched Twilight, but it makes perfect sense to me.


Brodi Ashton said...

That sounds so Zoe!

nielsons*love*family said...

of COURSE that makes sense!! and i am LOL'ing at her "if heavenly father ...." comment. i think i heard that a ZILLION times growing up...only in regards to my parents NOT wanting me to pierce my ears!

Anonymous said...

Makes total sense! I'm laughing! I too heard that comment constantly growing up about pierced ears. Maybe she would like a nice bright red instead!

Trent said...

Zoe didnt even need glittery lips to be the Star of the YW's Conference! That camera couldn't get enough of her. Work it ZOE!!!!
