Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Post for October

I am doing great with the new energy I have about writing on my blog. I figure I better get one in for the month. I am sitting right now by a window that looks out on my backyard. I can't believe the leaves that are falling and there is definitely a "Fall" feel to the day. I love this time of the year and I also feel a little sadness to see the light fading a bit everyday. It is interesting to think about how attractive light is and how hard it is for some when there is not a lot of it around. I know I am one that loves the longer days. I know your thinking....... is there a reason for this post????..........well actually there isn't and lucky for you I have turned off the comments section so you will not have to feel obligated to leave a comment for such a lame post.

For all you that hate to see the light fade here is a bit of info that will cheer you up. It will get progressively dark until December 21st. After that date we will gain a minute of light everyday!!!!! Doesn't seem like much, but it gets me through the winter.

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